Goat Peak Hike, September 2013

Goat Peak
Date: September 21, 2013
Difficulty: 4 out of 10
Distance: 5 miles / 8 Kilometers roundtrip
Elevation Gain: 1,500 feet / 457 meters
Time: 2 to 3 hours
Location: Near Mazama, Washington
Users Group: Hikers & Dogs Only
Permits: None Required
Trail Conditions: Damp
Hiking With: Jim Darmiento, Ione Darmiento, Linna Freeman, Rick Massie and Macho.

The hardest part about Goat Peak goo.gl/XUCb1n is the 11 miles of rough gravel road heading up to the trailhead. The trail starts off fairly easily and then gets down to business with over a mile of steepness without traverse. The last half mile lets your heart-rate calm down as you stroll to the look-out.

At the look-out you will encounter the famous Lightning Bill and his two dogs Thunderdog-Shilo and Blaze; he has manned the look-out for 19 years now. Our group arrived on top just in time to snap a picture with him before he closed down the tower for the winter.

After a quick descent we headed back to our rented Cottonwood Cottage in Winthrop, Washington and cleaned up and had a lovely dinner at Sun Mountain Lodge.

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